Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well, diary, it's been a while! I recall writing an entry where I stated I would stay committed to this journal and it seems I have neglected that statement. That sounds just like something I would do. I realized the other day that I never really stay committed to anything. I spent my childhood begging my parents to enroll me in all these different classes; tap, jazz, kickboxing, Ukrainian dance, guitar lessons. Each time they would say no and tell me that I wouldn't really stick it out and I would get defensive and tell them "this is different!", but it never was. I'd always end up dropping out. The same thing happens with my writing, my ideas. I always quit (well maybe not quit, but there are definitely long breaks in between my flowing thoughts). My question, why am I a quitter? How do people find their inner motivation? My roommate is always so motivated. On top of all her school work she still manages to blog, knit, make art, etc. I don't understand how people do it. My lethargy takes over me completely. Sometimes I wish I could just hide in my bed all day. Pull the covers over my head and just sleep all day and night; night and day. But I can't do that. I have a life to live. I just need to find motivation, inspiration.