Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So I don't really have any one specific topic to talk about today. I figured I should post something because I haven't in quite a few days. And usually when I get out of the habit of doing something I'll just stop altogether. And I don't want that. I'm dedicated (to this blog). And I will write! Yes, I will write.

Do you know what I miss? Mixtapes. When I was younger I used to have a couple penpals and we would make each other mixtapes of all the songs we loved at the time. It was kind of neat to see how similar our taste in music was, considering we were all scattered across North America. Music is a language everyone can understand and relate to and it's just oh-so-beautiful. Some of the girls would cover the tape case in little doodles of hearts and flowers and boys&girls kissing. The boys would always just print really small in black ink pen. Mixtapes can be so personal(ized). That's the fun in it all. I used to try to create themes with mine. Love, heartbreak, dance, nature, adolescence. Mixtapes are like spilling secrets, but in a safe way. So I was thinking about these tapes and how I missed making them and I've decided that I'm going to try to start it up again. A friend told me you could get walkmens at the dollar store (might not be true, but I'm going to check it out). Then I started to think about and I read how some people leave postcards on busses and someone in need finds it and it makes a big impact on their life. So I sort of want to put all this love and hope into my mixtapes and buy a couple walkmens and just leave them somewhere. Maybe on a bus, or in a coffee shop, or bookstore. And then maybe someone in need would find it and it might make them smile. Even for just a second in time.

Alright. So I guess I did have a specific subject to talk about.

1 comment:

Gillian King said...

you should write your blog on them and then maybe people will visit and tell you their stories of finding your tapes :)